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Back to School

Back to school started with a bang, or actually, a hurricane! We got in one full week at school and then have been off for almost a week because of Hurricane Idalia and Labor Day. What a way to start the year. How has everyone else done with starting a new school year? Sadie has had to move to a new school this year and is now in the public school system. It was a huge transition for all of us and she won't be going to school with her siblings any longer. We had a pretty good initial IEP meeting about her learning and schedule and the team seems nice enough. She will spend the majority of her time in a general ed class and then have intensive reading and math in the resource classroom. She has a full time aide and a communication device, which is great. I have my reservations because we are starting over with another IEP team that doesn't have experience working with student with Down Syndrome as this school is generally an autism filter school, so we will have to see how it goes. I just really really hope Sadie is able to learn and grow. So far she is coming home from school happy. Any one have any tips on getting her more motivated to hold a pencil and push down? Hope you all have the best school year! Let us know how we can help make things easier for you or if anyone wants to hear more about our experiences with IEP meetings!

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